Private Cesar Villegas, a senior at McNary High school originally enlisted into the Oregon Army National Guard as a 35P crypto linguist. HIs enlistment date was July 21st 2020, only 10 days after his 17th birthday.  Unfortunately, due to covid-19 his family was unable to witness his enlistment ceremony in person, which took place at the Military Entrance Processing Station or MEPS in Portland, Oregon.  The enlistment ceremony is the huge milestone and the first step forward in a recruits military career. When we can, we like to recreate that special day for friends, family, and all those who support our recruits.   

On October 16th 2020, we were able to hold an outdoor enlistment ceremony for private Cesar Villages
and his family.  This ceremony couldn’t happen without the help of SGT Selina Moran organizing everything, Major Annabel Ortega de Radillo performing the ceremony, and Colonel Sharel Pond, our Recruiting Commander supporting this opportunity.  I believe this ceremony will be a cherished memory for private Villegas and his family for a long time to come.  What made this event even more special was private Villegas’s grandparents came all the way from Mexico to witness the ceremony.  It was a very proud moment for all of us involved, especially him and his family, he is the first in his family to serve in the military.

It was not easy for private Villegas to earn his military job, had to pass the Defense Language Aptitude Battery or DLAB test. Not only did he pass but he excelled with a score of 130 qualifying him to choose from any language to master.  The DLAP is a very difficult test many people fail, so even passing the test with a minimal score is major accomplishment in itself.  With his chosen job as a Crypto Linguist he will earn a Top Secret security clearance and train at military’s Defense Language Institute where he will study Russian.  He will also earn 100% college tuition at any of Oregon’s Public colleges or Universities.

But the most exciting benefit of Private Villegas enlistment is using the Parole in Place benefit to help his mother Guadalupe Villages obtain her U.S. Citizenship!  Guadalupe is an amazingly strong women, she gave up her life as a lawyer in Mexico to give Cesar and his brother Alan a chance at a better life in the US. She has an amazing work ethic, she is joy to be around, her spirit is infections, and she loves her sons very much.  This couldn’t have happened to without her blessing and support. I am very proud be Cesar’s recruiter and I am extremely happy for the Villegas family. Occasions like this really showcase what being a part of our National Guard Family is all about, giving back, serving others, and defending those who are unable to defend themselves.